First Blog Post – Welcome to My Blog!

First Blog Post – Welcome to My Blog!

Hi guys, welcome to my blog! I’m so glad you’re here, and I’m beyond excited to expand my corner of the internet.

You could easily say I started this whole blogging thing backwards. I started posting styled content on my Instagram @brandi_adair when I was a senior in college for fun. It was a great creative outlet and I got to connect with some great people and brands in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Fast forward to around graduation time, I realized I could monetize my content and styling. Right after graduation, Andrew and I moved back to The Woodlands, TX and bought a house. We remodeled the entire house in six short months. I was very involved in the selection process and learned so much. My contracts for content creation increased during that time and I’ve never looked back.

Here are 10 facts about me that you might not know (even if you’ve been following me for awhile!).

  1. I grew up moving, on average, every three years of my life. I was born in North Carolina and I’ve lived in Florida, Arizona, Arkansas (Little Rock and Fayetteville), and Texas. My parent’s weren’t in the military, but everyone always assume that when you tell them you’ve moved this much. We did move each time because of my dad’s job though.
  2. My left eye is two different colors, but I wasn’t born that way. I, like most babies, was born with two blue eyes. At around age two, part of my left eye had started to turn brown. The medical term is heterochromia. People always ask if I can see normally, and yes I can.
  3. Andrew and I are high school sweethearts and have been dating for eleven years! He asked for my number in biology and I guess you could say it turned into instant chemistry.
  4. Both of our pets, Lola and Dixie, were found abandoned at Andrew’s family’s ranch. Dixie was found on the side of the road in a box in 14 degree weather. Andrew brought her home to me because I had never had a dog and I always told him I wanted a brown dog. Lola, our cat, was skin and bones when we found her near the barn. She probably wouldn’t have lived much longer if we wouldn’t have found her.
  5. In college, I studied Hospitality Management at the University of Arkansas. I probably would have gone into event planning after school if I didn’t pursue content creation full-time, because I had so much fun in college helping with event planning, catering, and working at a bakery.
  6.  I’m EXTREMELY picky… when it comes to just about everything. It may sound super hippy but I’m big on energy, vibes, and feelings. I believe I have a very strong intuition and I always trust my gut when it comes to my opinions on people, trends, or making decisions. In other words, why I’m so picky. I don’t rush into things and really only move forward if it feels right.
  7. Team only child over here! Only children definitely get a bad rap, but I like to think I don’t act like a typical only child. I wasn’t spoiled rotten as a kid, and my parents taught me a great work ethic. I do feel extremely independent and I love being alone, which I can probably attribute to my lack of siblings.
  8. Anytime I see something lychee flavored I buy it. I’m obsessed with all things lychee. They are good canned, fresh, in a martini, in tea, etc. . My most recent favorite find is lychee rose flavored tea in Costa Rica. I’m drooling thinking about it.
  9. Most of my height is in my legs. I’m 5’4″, but I think it’s common to assume that people on the internet are taller than they actually are. It’s all about the angles!
  10. I am NOT a super girly girl. Yes, I love all things fashion and makeup, but you’ll probably never see me in the color pink, listening to girly pop music on the regular, or dousing myself in floral perfume. I prefer blue, alternative/rock music, and earthier scents.

Starting my blog was so important to me so that I could expand on my thoughts, because it’s really hard to convey all the information on a topic in a IG post, reel, or TikTok. I wanted content that could “live” here permanently and be used a reference guide.

What you can expect from my blog:

– 100% realness. I’m an open book and want to share my knowledge and experiences in hopes of helping someone out or inspiring others.

– Transparency. I’m not going to gush over a product if I don’t actually like it. Most of the time I’ve used products or worn items for a long time before I ever recommend. The last thing I want you to do is spend your money on something that you’re not going to love. I want you trust my opinion and that if I love it, that you will love it, too.

– Regular content, but not spam. I promise I won’t blow up your inbox when you subscribe. xx

Speaking of…. subscribe to my blog at the bottom of this page if you want to stay up to date on all the things happening here!

Photography by Audrey Soileau